Pixels At An Exhibition

A letter I wrote to MACK Publishing in London. I had queried a number of agents and publishers already a proposal, outline, and sample gallery. In the case of MACK I sent a copy of the book from LULU.

February 7, 2023

Studios E, Emperor House Dragonfly Place, London SE4 2FL United Kingdom
Dear Liv, Morgan, Jess, Gough, Michael, & Louis,

Greetings from California.

Enclosed please find an artist proof copy of my book PIXELS AT AN EXHIBITION. (Please see the next page for a more standard book synopsis and description.)

I embarked on this book project four-and-a-half years ago. The website from which the images come, www.pixelsatanexhibition.com, has been in existence since Novemer of 2009. It currently has about 33,000 curated iPhone images from around the world.

Early last year, I was struck down by COVID even though I was fully vaccinated. I was bed-ridden. My body shut down and I was delerious for long stretches. I lost fifteen pounds (seven kg). As I came out of it, I decided to abandon both the book, which was almost done, and the website. Life was too short. I wanted to get away from computer screens and iPhones, to sit in the sun, to feel the breeze on my face, read books, play guitar. I was decimated, mentally and physically. Recovery was incremental.

I announced that I was shutting down the PIXELS website and not finishing the book. There was a strong reaction within the community. After some time had passed and I was stronger, I relented and realized I had to rethink the book were I ever to finish it.

I worked on it night and day as my body permitted. It was my thought to just put the book up on Lulu.com print-on-demand and let people buy a copy. I wanted to be done with it. Near the end of April, 2022, I was finally able to order a paperback proof of the book from Lulu.

I knew the book would be good because the art was so good and I could curate, write, and design it. When I actually held that copy in my hands for the first time, the experience of going through it page by page so far exceeded my expectation, it’s almost impossible to express. I then knew that this book must be in bookstores. It needs distribution and promotion, like any important art book.

So back it was to a search for an agent or a publisher. A friend of mine mentioned MACK. I looked you up, read about the company and your diverse, talented, accomplished staff (yes I googled all of you and read interviews, etc.), got hopeful.

I am wondering if I might find a home for my book with you. Please take a look.

Thank you.


Knox Bronson


They didn’t bite! I’m sure I made a few more queries, but, finally, a publisher friend explained why no one would publish it, no matter how wonderful and magnificent. So … you can still find it here, at LULU or Apple Books.

Hardcover: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/knox-bronson/pixels-at-an-exhibition/hardcover/product-qm4wz8.html?page=1&pageSize=4

iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/pixels-at-an-exhibition/id6458878193

I believe the book would have found a publisher in the Sixties or Seventies, but the culture, and publishing itself, have changed.

If you have a picture in the book and you haven’t gotten a promo code for a free copy on Apple Books, please write. I love it on my iPad, but I really prefer holding the 360 page hardcover book in my hands.

Thank you to all the artists who contributed their beautiful work.



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