{sunday} Sean Hayes—Cezanne N. 4 (2010)

This is one of my favorite images ever to come in to PIXELS. I have a cheap laser print of it on card stock standing up on my bookshelf. One of these days, I should ask Sean how much he would want for a signed print.

He is mostly posting AI generated work on Instagram these days. All of it added up together doesn’t come within lightyears of this piece. He knows what I think about AI.

From “Spanish Folk Songs” by Salvador De Madariaga


Of the dust of the earth
Can I make songs.
One is scarcely over,
A new one comes.

Del polvo de la tierra
Saco yo coplas.
No bien se acaba una
Ya tengo otra.


Like two trees we are
By fate separated.
The road is between
But the boughs are mated.

Como dos árboles somos
Que la suerte nos separa,
Con un camino por medio,
Pero se juntan las ramas.


I see myself as a crow.
All are wearing clothes of gladness,
Clothed in black mourning I go.

Me comparo con el cuervo.
Todos visten de alegría,
Yo visto de luto negro.

Happy Sunday.

Here are some lovely Spanish guitar pieces for your morning. Or anytime.


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