Now Available: The Rise & Fall of the HoneyBun Empire
in BooksOriginally titled “The Gentlemanly Art of Spanking,” but I decided the title was misleading. The book, hardcover with color illustrations and dust jacket, is available here. It will be on Apple Books & Amazon (kindle & paperback) in a few days. From the jacket copy: In 1999, Knox wrote a semi-naughty, mostly humorous article for…
The Banned James Bond LaserDisc Commentaries
James Bond Producer Albert R. “Cubby” Broccoli banned the release of these commentaries! In 1991 Criterion Collection released the first 3 James Bond movies on LaserDisc with special commentary by various crew members. Some of the things said on these would not definitely not go well nowadays! Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:57 Dr. No 12:19 From…
The Movie That Ruined Hollywood Pt. 2
The terrribly misunderstood and under-appreciated 1980 film, Heaven’s Gate, directed by Michael Cimino.
Jamie Stewart—One of the Thieves Was Saved
in iPhonismJamie Stewart was a regular contributor to PIXELS until about ten years ago. He was a great guy and I loved his work. He was an actor in England and did a simply amazing job as the voice of the “Secret Smartographer” for the sadly short-lived iPhotographer Magazine circa 2013-14. I will be posting some…
Knox Bronson—René Magritte Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
in iPhonismErik Satie remains the patron saint of Pixels at an Exhibition.