[votd] Bill Evans Combo
in MusicThe YouTube page says we should listen to this piece the first thing every morning. I would not argue.
[sunday] Behold the Hipstamatic Gum Wrapper Tree
Seasons in the Sun by Rod McKuen (an English-language adaptation of the song Le Moribund by Jacques Brel) Goodby, Emile, my trusted friend, we’ve known each other since we were nine or ten. Together we climbed hills and trees, learned of love and A B Cs, skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. Adieu, Emile,…
A reminder about posting
in ErrataPosts require a picture, no matter what kind of post you creating. I have not yet figured out how to allow multiple pictures, or galleries, in one post. Please remember to separate your hashtags with commas, otherwise, the machine thinks all the hashtags are one hashtag. I have started using # with all of my…
{votd} Different clips from “Black Cat, White Cat” (1998)
I somehow stumbled on this movie at the video store twenty-five years ago. It was made in Yugoslavia, which still existed in 1998. It strange and wonderful. I was hoping to find the whole movie on YouTube. Here are some clips and movie review … just let them play. The movie does seem to be…
{votd} David & Romany Gilmour—Between Two Points
in MusicBroke an early promisePut trust in an unknownFell headlong into the armsOf the first that stirred me Unsteadied a steady heartAnd took me to a place I’ve never beenA place I’ve never been since Stopped hoping at an early ageStopped guessing at an early ageStart accepting things from day oneAnd then things can’t go too…