Where Did Everybody Go?
in ErrataCan someone please upload pictures or make some posts? I mean, I LOVE looking my own stuff, it’s why I made them to begin with, but it gets kind of boring to see the same byline with every post. The site is live, although I am still working various sections and functionality, so please ……
About the new PIXELS website
in ErrataMy favorite website, besides PIXELS, is biblioklept.org. It’s always been an inspiration as I have curated and posted articles and art and videos far and wide on this site. It is my hope we can expand PIXELS into something beyond just iPhonic art. The reality is, our Summer of Love, if you will ended many…
Maia Panos ~ YU
in iPhonismWelcome to the new PIXELS AT AN EXHIBITION website. This was the very first picture we posted on the old site. The date was December 1, 2009. We had just started putting out the call for submissions and took the PIXELS site live.
The Gentlemanly Art of Spanking
in BooksTHE GENTLEMANLY ART OF SPANKING—The Rise and Fall of the HoneyBun Empire; Riding the Wild Bubble— Berkeley To Frisco To Hollywood To Las Vegas & Back; Intimations Of Immortality On The Technicolor Lam, Sober. I wrote a semi-naughty, mostly humorous article for Salon, entitled “The Gentlemanly Art of Spanking” under the nom-de-plume Carson Fitzgerald and…
BIBLIOKLEPT: Gravity’s Rainbow — Annotations and illustrations for pages 82-83
in BooksMy second favorite site: Biblioklept. Overhead, on the molded plaster ceiling, Methodist versions of Christ’s kingdom swarm: lions cuddle with lambs, fruit spills lushly and without pause into the arms and about the feet of gentlemen and ladies, swains and milkmaids. No one’s expression is quite right. The wee creatures leer, the fiercer beasts have…