David Bowie—Conversation Piece
He wrote this when he was a very young man. It resonates with me, still, fifty years or so later. I took this walk to ease my mind To find out what’s gnawing at me Wouldn’t think to look at me That I’ve spent a lot of time in education All seems so long ago…
Celine Guillou—St. George Alley, San Francisco
in iPhonismBy far my favorite rendition of this classic George Gershwin composition.
[sunday] Max T. Frame—From Where The Music Comes
Rival Consoles—Howl (whole album) A British producer courtesy of the YouTube algorithm. Thank you!! Allen Ginsberg—Howl (first stanza) I I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to…
R.I.P. Marianne Faithfull
in MusicLegend has it that her nun’s habit was backless and she was naked underneath. I believe it. A rich girl, she had a rough life, struggles with addiction. A few years after this show, in 1979, she blasted back into the scene with her masterpiece, Broken English. She eventually got clean and sober and…
Sita Mae—Sylvia
in EsotericaA Symphony Pathetique – A Winged Victory For The Sullen Unofficial Video
Knox Bronson—Kitchen Gal
in iPhonismRemember the Keyboard Cat memes of 2009? I made a bunch of them.