Now Available: The Rise & Fall of the HoneyBun Empire

Originally titled “The Gentlemanly Art of Spanking,” but I decided the title was misleading.

The book, hardcover with color illustrations and dust jacket, is available here. It will be on Apple Books & Amazon (kindle & paperback) in a few days.

From the jacket copy:

In 1999, Knox wrote a semi-naughty, mostly humorous article for entitled “The Gentlemanly Art of Spanking” under the nom-de-plume Carson Fitzgerald and it became one of the fifty most-read stories of the year, generating a huge reader response. A couple years later, Knox had the idea to make spanking kits and sell them online. It used to be that if one was first to the web with a product, one was guaranteed success. The HoneyBun Spanking Kit was the exception that proved the rule. Nonetheless, it was a cute product and, just as Knox was finishing the HoneyBun website, he was forced to leave Oakland under threat of death as a witness to some drunks firing their guns up the street from his apartment—no one was injured—so the book began as a road story.

He packed up a carton of spanking kits, his guitar and clothes, and headed south to LA and Hollywood. He then began writing email updates to all my friends in the Bay Area and elsewhere. After a time, some friends encouraged me to turn the emails and the ongoing story into a book.

This is the book.

The book is a kaleidoscopic memoir—coming of age in Berkeley in the 60s, San Francisco in the 70s, a brief chapter about the 80s, and one about early sobriety in 90s. A fair amount of spirituality, commentary on materialism, the JFK assassination. Enjoy the ride!



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