[sunday] Edina Herold—Remember Me (2011)
in iPhonismFons by Pura López-Colomé Reanimated, spirit restored, reincorporated, body restored, I contemplate between dreams the scene I’ve stolen like the one who took fire, like the one who opened the devil box out of curiosity, like the one who saw her equal and her life’s love were the same and so effortlessly brought them together.…
jan uiterwijk – the unreliable time machine
in iPhonismTime, he’s waiting in the wingsHe speaks of senseless thingsHis script is you and me, boy Time, he flexes like a whoreFalls wanking to the floorHis trick is you and me, boy Time, in quaaludes and red wineDemanding Billy DollsAnd other friends of mineTake your time The sniper in the brain, regurgitating drainIncestuous and vainAnd…
Damian De Souza – Untitled
in iPhonismDamien-—This looks like the picture you had in the last show at the Giorgi Gallery in 2013. Is it? Broncotranny