Elodie Hunting — If She Would Be

I remember the day this picture came in to PIXELS. It was 2012 and I was in discussion with a young woman, Hiji Nam, at the Torpedo Gallery in Alexandria, Virginia. We were planning an exhibition. She was the curator, not me. I remember that she had picked three pictures off the website by James Clarke, who was a regular contributor at the time. I don’t remember everybody who made the cut.

Right in the middle of the discussion, this picture came in from Elodie in Holland. I published it and, the minute the Hiji saw it, she said it had to be in the show as well.

Some of you will remember Roger Guetta. He called me up after the list of images for the show had been finalized. He really wanted to be in the show. He yelled at me and said that Jim having three pictures in the show went against the all the precepts of the iPhone art community. I was able to truthfully tell him that it was beyond my control. I enjoyed this.

If you have ever seen the video of my talk at the Macworld event of 2013, you might have noticed I referred to him as “my last diva.” He was very abusive to a number of women in our community. I tried to talk him about it once, about what he needed to do in terms of apologies and changing his behavior, etc., if he wanted to be still have his work on PIXELS. He tried to gaslight me about the situation, making accusations about the women, etc., which is why he disappeared from PIXELS a long time ago.


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