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Tag: #bowie

  • David Bowie—Conversation Piece

    David Bowie—Conversation Piece

    He wrote this when he was a very young man. It resonates with me, still, fifty years or so later. I took this walk to ease my mind To find out what’s gnawing at me Wouldn’t think to look at me That I’ve spent a lot of time in education All seems so long ago…

  • Butow Romey—Babylon

    Butow Romey—Babylon

    David Bowie playing my favorite song, The Bewlay Brothers, from his album, Hunky Dory. Believe me, at the age of 22, I poured over the lyrics for hours on end, fifty-two years ago. I think David would have loved Butow’s work. I’m sure Butow loved David. Doesn’t everybody? Two artists I miss from the mind-warp…

  • David & Bing Sing “Little Drummer Boy/Peace On Earth”

    David & Bing Sing “Little Drummer Boy/Peace On Earth”

    As is the Christmas Eve tradition around PIXELS, here are David Bowie and Bing Crosby singing Little Drummer Boy and Peace On Earth, which was written that same day when David balked at singing Little Drummer Boy. The show almost didn’t happen until David’s mother intervened and said, “You HAVE to work with Bing Crosby!”…

  • David Bowie on Nirvana’s unplugged cover of his song, “the man who sold the world”

    David Bowie on Nirvana’s unplugged cover of his song, “the man who sold the world”

    I was going to post Nirvana’s “unplugged” version, but I really can’t stand it. Here’s Bowie’s mid-nineties drum-n-bass take on the song. In a Bowie mood, I guess.

  • How David Bowie and William Boyd Hoaxed the Art World

    How David Bowie and William Boyd Hoaxed the Art World

    On April Fools’ Day, 1998, the crème de la crème of the New York art scene gathered for a party in the studio of Jeff Koons. David Bowie played host, and while a Who’s Who of the art crowd mingled over canapés and cocktails, the mastermind behind what would be (perhaps over-zealously) dubbed “the biggest…

  • Wendell Peek – The Robber Baron

    Wendell Peek – The Robber Baron

    Something kind of hit me todayI looked at you and wondered if you saw things my wayPeople will hold us to blameIt hit me today, it hit me today We’re taking it hard all the timeWhy don’t we pass it by?Just reply, you’ve changed your mindWe’re fighting with the eyes of the blindTaking it hard,…