Knox Bronson—Prelude (2012)
in iPhonismI’ve posted this song many times. If you see it, you will know I am in a melancholy way. I was lost without a song without a melodyYou came into my hotel lifeYou made my room a homeAh now, mama, don’t you know what you done? You made the sunshine in the cityYou warmed my…
[sunday] Max T. Frame—From Where The Music Comes
Rival Consoles—Howl (whole album) A British producer courtesy of the YouTube algorithm. Thank you!! Allen Ginsberg—Howl (first stanza) I I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to…
Sita Mae—Sylvia
in EsotericaA Symphony Pathetique – A Winged Victory For The Sullen Unofficial Video
Butow Romey—Babylon
in iPhonismDavid Bowie playing my favorite song, The Bewlay Brothers, from his album, Hunky Dory. Believe me, at the age of 22, I poured over the lyrics for hours on end, fifty-two years ago. I think David would have loved Butow’s work. I’m sure Butow loved David. Doesn’t everybody? Two artists I miss from the mind-warp…