Alice’s Restaurant
in MusicI thought I posted this the other day, but it really is a Thanksgiving Day kind of post. Happy Thanksgiving!
[votd] The First Pixels at an Exhibition Show at the Giorgi Gallery, A Slide Show
in iPhonismIn early 2010, gallery owner Rae Russell and I produced the first ever gallery show for the nascent art of iPhone photography, aka iphoneography, at the Giorgi Gallery in Berkeley, CA. We decided a promo video was needed so I made this (note the 4×3 aspect ratio—iMovie doesn’t support that format anymore, only 16×9) and…
[votd] Kendrick Lamar’s New Album, “GNX”
in MusicHe dropped the album with no fanfair on Friday. He is the greatest rapper of his generation. Like Patsy Cline transcended country music, Kendrick transcends hip-hop. No surprise that David Bowie and his musicians were listening to Kendrick’s “To Pimp A Butterfly” in the studio during breaks as they recorded his final album.
[votd] The Spiritual Meaning of Why You Appear Younger Than Your Age
in EsotericaThis rings true. Much of what he says can be found in most schools of spiritual thought and religions. I know we talk about acceptance, serenity, not harboring resentments, all the time in AA meetings. Like he says in this video, it takes a lot of practice over many years to realize some consistency in…
[votd] The First Twelve Minutes of MTV, August 1, 1981
in MusicThe Buggles, Pat Benatar … what else do you want?