Wendell Peek – The Return of Zelda Redux
in iPhonism“Take Me Down” from seventeen (!) years ago. Stumbled on it looking for something else. Ah to be 57 again, knowing what I know now.
[sunday] Wendell Peek – The Juggler
in iPhonismTom Disch On Reading Shelley (1974) I have a feeling that I will not die For quite some time. Only poets with a kind Of supererogatory strength of mind, A too intensely wrought intensity Of nightmare Life-in-Thought, will prophecy Abrupt abbreviation to their blind Careers. I envy them and cannot find Any comfort in my…
Wendell Peek – In Comes The Blind Commissioner
in iPhonismPretty Things—SF Sorrow full album I can’t embed the video, but it’s worth watching Why The Pretty Things Were Banned From New Zealand For Life. David Bowie loved them, naming two songs after them (Oh You Pretty Things! & The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell) and covered two of their songs on his 1973…